Pick from Malaysian Insider the alternative news portal....
I would agree with this survey because it's simply a race-based party getting the support from one particular race only.
Coupled with a large percentage of this group of supporters whom may NOT be internet savvy like the city folks, will only read and believe in what the mainstream media write or publish. This will help sway the support. We all know that. Ya, ya, some jerks will come out and deny this survey. Now it's all about "you say your version and I say my version" depending on which side you take.
Just because in Malaysia the yesterday's leaders (many of them) do not know when to give way and by clinging on is causing a lot of wasted time and resources of the country. Some even with "tainted" background are still considered the choice to lead the country. How are we going to progress??? That's is why Malaysia is always playing catch-up with a tiny country down south! We are lagging, as a matter of fact.
Talking about producing 60,000 PhD holders by 2020, will that do any good to the country IF all of them end up "unwanted"??? We have jobless graduates abundant, alright. Spending huge amount of tax-payers' money on so-called re-training programs given by the garmen. Why so? Because we just produce them like a stinking tofu (beancurd) factory, with no substance! The real brains are all either stay put in overseas or migrated!
When we mention the very word MERITOCRACY, there is talk about being unfair because the poor Ahmads can't compete. Afraid of not being able to compete, where in the world you find progress without competition??? Now a minister is "projecting" 60,000 PhD holders (initially 100,000, scaled down, for fearing not able to achieve the target!) in 12 years' time!!! Goodness me. A cheap publicity of sort for him anyway.
Phd of what kind? One may ask this funny question.... So, it is all the same. We are not producing our leaders of tomorrow when the basics have already gone wrong right from the beginning. When the education system can only produce "half-baked" graduates, we can only have leaders of yesteryears!
It is again boils down to the people's choice - do we want to change for the better? Do we have the courage - the people's power? THEY can play 'passing the baton' as much as they like, but WE ALL HAVE A CHOICE TO MAKE. Don't forget, the baton can one day drops off to the ground....like the US relay teams did in the Olympics recently! Hahaha.
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