While the Malaysia government of the day 'flip-flop' about teaching Maths and Science in English and worrying about rural kids not able to catch up with their urban counterparts, here I show you what our future generations' English will be like....
Check out carefully the ad in the middle (above) and price tag description (below) for this canned food. Spot the simple mistakes! These are some fine examples how our English standard deteriorates.
Still our government of the day is putting politics above anything else thus being ignorant to the importance of English. In reality, this is not about who can follow not. This is about speaking English which has been sidetracked for a long time aka not being paid attention all this while. While most Malaysians can speak Bahasa Malaysia, what is the fuss IF ALL MALAYSIANS CAN SPEAK ENGLISH!!! Is it not a good sign???
1Malaysia is about what....I don't get it! Perhaps 1Malaysia should include listening to the rakyat (people).

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