Snoozing off, head also dropped off! Can you find his helpless head for him ....could have dropped off somewhere because as the saying goes ...."man who sleeps on the job will lose his head too".
How apt this is judging at how this country is run by "sleeping" morons!
Just the other day someone was making a point in the media about Malaysia wages 25 years ago and today.
Then, a starting wage for an engineer was RM2500.00 and now, still is RM2500.00. But, those days RM1.00 could buy you a lot of things but now, not even enough to pay a parking ticket (depends on where you are in Malaysia).
Yeah, still harping on "30% shares" where the majority of the rakyat (working Malaysians) are screwed (paying more Tax / GST soon) and getting poorer by the day!
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