For a man at 40 has certainly grown older and wiser. Can't imagine how a nation has not grown wiser at 50, perhaps, for a nation it is still young.
Somehow as you mature at this 40 age bracket which is the ripe age for a man to have everything in place, at least i.e. stable career and happy family. It can be perceived as a complete cycle. One should look forward to further enhancing his quality life i.e. improving.
Occasionally I have come across people planning a "retirement" age at 40. Certainly not about stopping everything and do nothing. But rather finding the quality time to lead a quality life. Now, that is call living a life to the fullest. Simply put it, it depends on how one does thing or pursue dream of enormous scale that makes the possible impossible and vice versa.
The destiny is always in one's own hand. I'm pretty sure now is time to build on our next generation. Success or failure is depending on how we nurture our next gen. It is not all about us till the end of time. It just can't be right that we enjoy the fruit of labor to the fullest and leave our next gen to fend for their own.
Life is short. But a nation's life can go on for centuries. This again will turn our attention to the current affair in our boleh-land. I can't help it but wanting to take a swipe at the transition of power that is going on and on and on. Because we don't want to see this beloved land goes from "hero to zero" for our next gen.
Put aside our designated new PM, don't really want to talk about him. The talking point here is the DPM, whom could be the subsequent PM in the future if the hierarchy of PM's appointment practised in Malaysia is to be followed through and decided by selected few.
If you read the statements by the aspired so-called DPM candidates, you will certainly spit blood. One of them even has the nose to say he is qualified because he has never stepped on the toes of all PMs!!! This very candidate is himself tainted with alleged wrongdoing. Now, how's that? Hey, we are looking at someone assisting in running a nation-la. Being a 'yes man' is akin to shoe polishing only! I'm flabbergasted.
No wonder they are labelled a bunch of jokers by Dr. M. Boleh-land will be Boliao-land (finished). To be honest, this time it is really of no interest to me, not bother to know who will be and be not - they are just not up to the mark!
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