Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today a couple Hindraf supporters are called up to give police statements. Reason, for showing up at cabinet Raya open house with "special ISA message" to the PM. How's that?

Well, as widely reported and circulated on the net especially, just days after fresh allegations surfaced on a jailed blogger's website Malaysia Today over alleged interference in a murder investigations, more claims have surfaced on the same website over allegedly shady defence deals supposedly aimed at our designated PM. Now, how's that???

But, I say BUT....there is complete silence on the "floor" as of now for the very grave allegations. By comparison, the people called to give police statements are by no means committed even more serious offence to warrant such action by the police. Phew...that is really boleh-la!

So, what's next for the country beloved citizens? Brush off the allegations like our bravado current PM? On what assurance that his belief is right and all the allegations are wrong? The people want to know. His yesterday's media statement was akin to saying "they are the untouchables" unless you are outside. So, what HE says is all that matters.

I thought all along 'no one is above the law' in Malaysia!!! This very statement always come out from the horsemouth of our powers that be, whenever they want to "put a banana skin under someone's foot". Know what I mean?

Oh, when the world economy is nearing melt down, Malaysia still comes out unscathed. Are you sure? Yeah, I heard the news on NTV7 yesterday. Again, our PM's statement about it was so assuring. Are you forgetting....what HE says is all matters. So, Malaysia is not affected.

Singapore is already scrambling, US comes out with billions, EU stand-by trillions ready to salvage their economies but....hey, Malaysia no need to do anything! Malaysia is busy on something else of utmost importance as we all know i.e. Who's in, Who's out Competition.

Seriously, Malaysia is shielded by 'denial syndrome' still. Bloody Hell!

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