Here we call astronaut as angkasawan.
So we have one who went up there, did what he only knew what he did, came back a hero of sort, got a Datukship (a title, as usual given away like nobody business), go around trying to inspire school children (if not how his paymaster is going to justify the money spent), of course getting paid handsomely too (a figure that we only knew lately, plus hidden perks, maybe), etc.
His father gave a flip-flop statement the other day. Is he or is he not making millions from giving talks? So actually did he charge for every so-called inspiring talks or given FREE? Or free to the organizers but getting paid extra by his paymaster using taxpayers' fund? When something is hidden, it smells fishy. Simple.
A problem starts when Malaysians are deprived of the truth - where money is simply spent excessively. Everyone knows how it is done in Malaysia by the powers that be when it come to matters "concerning the public interest" i.e. do it quietly. Shhhhhhh! When the secret is broken to publicly, usually it takes two weeks for someone at the top to cook up a bullshit (reason) to quash the whole issue, like now.
This fellow has been going round giving talks in the country ever since he "landed" back on earth. And only today his wall cracks amid controversy. Perhaps it is not his entire doing. You bet. You know how good some people in that particular political party exploit cheap publicity either for the party or individuals with personal agenda.
What about hiring a driver and bodyguard??? Can he not drive himself? Is Malaysia so unsafe, needed to go around with bodyguard? Now there is someone indirectly admitted, huh, that Malaysia is unsafe! I thought only in Chow Kit and JB areas!!!
Is he kidding me that he pays the driver and bodyguard out of his RM5000.oo salary? Money is no issue to the garmen what!!! EPF got so much money inside, just sign a RM5,000,000,000.00 cheque also can. Am I getting my digits correct for billion?
In a Batman movie you can afford a Joker to run the show. In Malaysia, Malaysians do not need joker(s) to run the country.
1 comment:
Looks like this is how NEP 30% is achieved !
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