Do you know what it is in this picture? Yeah, it's a brain. Everybody has one.
But, a big BUT here, some people just forget to use it properly or rather not use it at all! When someone's brain is not utilized properly, you get into all sort of troubles with him or them.
To me, these people who do not utilize their brains, I call them ASSHOLES. They can talk like one or act like one. Worse still, some are "given" authority to become one. To these assholes, bear in mind, this is internet-age.
Those who call themselves top leaders of Malaysia from a ruling party say nothing, seem to condone such stupid acts. I think all these people ought to be sent back to school to learn the basics. But then again, nowadays our education standard is too low, can't help either!

Now, what am I talking about or referring to or mad about these people I call ASSHOLES??? Look at the roadsign that has alternative language to give foreign visitors easy reference when they come to our shores. The name in national language i.e. Bahasa Malaysia is still very much visible (bigger too).
What more, a certain parts of Penang (i.e. surrounding Georgetown) have been listed as heritage sites which will make roadsigns with alternative language(s) even more useful. The world may want to know more about Penang. If the original name can be retained, certainly it is more meaningful to the foreign visitors.
Back to what I am mad about....just by having extra language on the roadsigns, CAN THE STATUS OF OUR NATIONAL LANGUAGE i.e. BAHASA MALAYSIA BE THREATENED??? That is exactly what the assholes think it will!
Can our children grow up without knowing Bahasa Malaysia? Can I benumbed and totally not able to speak a word of Bahasa Malaysia? The questions to those assholes continue....
It is completely stupid to think that the very status of a language can be eroded by a simple but noble way of adding another language to it. What sort of message are they telling the world - that Malaysians are "living on trees"?
Hey, even though I did not learn a word of Mandarin in school, somehow I still able to 'speak' Mandarin quite fluently now. I'm proud to be able to speak THREE languages but I'm still very Malaysian! Not even a part of me has changed.
To the assholes, if your children become one of the jobless graduates one day, don't blame this and that but your own doing, lousy system and outdated thinking. As the Malay saying goes - like the "frog under the coconut shell" people. By championing the wrong cause will lead to nothing. And don't deprive of others the opportunity.
English is still and will be the international language. More people in the world are also learning Mandarin now! The latter is touted to be the second language of the world in another decade or so.
1 comment:
It is not that I don't love English, but I love Malay more !
It is not that I don't love Mandarin, but I love Malay more !
It is not that I don't love Tamil, but I love Malay more !
It is not that I don't love Malay, but I love Politic most!
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