Friday, January 30, 2009
"Money & Luck" Spinner
This is something special.
For so many years, instead of the usual stuff, as we all know Chinese around the world celebrate Lunar New Year with red decors made of paper, PVC, cloth, etc. in all sorts of patterns, shapes and sizes, this one comes in really fresh and new in terms of idea and design.
In my personal opinion, I think it is uniquely, brilliantly presented to welcome the Chinese New Year. Let me just briefly describe how it works here...
* Material = Steel
* Color = Red and Gold
* Shape = Lantern with 4-letter Chinese meaningful words, hanging 4 in a row
* Method = Spinning (clockwise or anti-clockwise)
* Power = Operate by a single battery
* Extra = On spinning, reflection from its body will create natural beautiful red lighting
I got a pair hanging in my porch. My neighbors are amazed by it with usual "wahhhh" response but stop short of getting one! It's not cheap though by Malaysian standard, in general.
Well, I'm hopeful it will spin me more "good things" in the Year of Ox. A little superstitious this time.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Boobs Watch
Perhaps the owner of the lorry wanted to tell people that he has one of a kind Mustang and the driver can do a Speedy Gonzales on the road.
Looking at the condition of the sign, one can tell that this lorry must have been around long time and thus provided much talking point to many road users in Malaysia, of course for the wrong reason.
In Malaysia, there are many government departments practically doing little work but get a handful of perks year in year out. Sometimes I don't even know what they are there for except having a job to sit on! Who cares to correct all these silly errors! Yeah, the authorities concerned will surely say, 'it is not under our jurisdiction to do that'. Doink!
I have spotted many direct translated English words in Bahasa Malaysia. The problem is some are available in Bahasa Malaysia. Now, why do they need to use translated words from English??? Is English sounding better or too good not to use?
E.g. 'gate' means 'pagar' BUT, a direct translated word and sounding similar too to English, 'get' is used at a KTM railway gate in my hometown. Pure silly. There are many, you know.
There you go, talking about protecting Bahasa Malaysia, huh!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Made In China, Alright
However, I must add that the English used is so very bad. I'm sure you are scrambling for the meanings! But this is common by China standard.
Nevermind, everyone knows how to operate a PC mouse. But, such errors say a lot about the company or manufacturer, right?
What about if this happens in Malaysia by our English Standard? No way we could allow this sort of English to see the light. I bet anyone who starts believing this will not happen in Malaysia is ignorant to reality.
I say this because with over-emphasizing of national language i.e. Bahasa Malaysia, undecisiveness whether to continue teaching Science and Mathematics in English from primary education, it is no surprise that Malaysia English standard has dropped over the years.
To make matter worse, English is viewed as a threat to national language by some Malay educationists or so-called guardian of national language and NOT as a universal language that we must master to stay relevant to the world.
By our own admission too, most of our graduates nowadays do not speak and write English, let alone understand it. Whose making is this??? Yeah, start to blame everyone, the education system except the government.
We just hope that one day our English will not reach this lowest standard.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Yes Or No

What's The Story?
Carl Allen's life can be summed up in one tiny syllable: "NO." Cynical, fearful, and stubborn, Carl ducks anything that resembles opportunity, and convinces himself he's content with his comfortable rut. Then along comes a self-help guru who convinces him to turn his every "no" into a "yes." What a difference one word can make! Suddenly Carl finds himself meeting new people, trying new things, even falling in love. But like the Red Bull he's been guzzling, Carl's "yes high" seems headed for a spectacular crash.
Based on that, let's look at the most common place where people say NO most of the time - the workplace, to avoid more work of course. When I look back throughout the years in my working life, I seldom say 'no' to my bosses, means 'yes' most of the time, even to my fellow co-workers. Does that bring any good to me? I wonder. Perhaps not always. Sometimes people just don't appreciate. Then again, at that moment of time the 'feel good' factor always make me feel the right thing to do.
So, it is true when you learn to say 'yes', you cross the bridge. A huge task is completed regardless of the amount of difficulties. The moment you say 'no', everything just stops right there. The situation connected to it will be going bad. People jump on you. Suddenly you would want to turn back the clock and reverse your decision. Contrary to that, always a 'yes' can also mean you get into trouble time and again. That's why you hear the saying goes like "people just never learned from mistakes". No, people do learn from mistakes.
But how to differentiate the two - YES and NO? So, a NO could save you a life when things really gone bad. I experienced that. How apt then if I could say 'no means yes' to better things in the past! Think about it. Hmmm....
For a record, I never say NO to my boss(es). Think of NIKE - Just Do It. Do it right too. Hard to decide? Let me help you.....just consider that you are paid to do a job. That will help you make a fast decision next time you face a tricky situation with your boss. However, I do it more than that one reason. Perhaps, it's a responsibility to me.
It gives me A PEACE OF MIND! Works the magic.
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