Perhaps the owner of the lorry wanted to tell people that he has one of a kind Mustang and the driver can do a Speedy Gonzales on the road.
Looking at the condition of the sign, one can tell that this lorry must have been around long time and thus provided much talking point to many road users in Malaysia, of course for the wrong reason.
In Malaysia, there are many government departments practically doing little work but get a handful of perks year in year out. Sometimes I don't even know what they are there for except having a job to sit on! Who cares to correct all these silly errors! Yeah, the authorities concerned will surely say, 'it is not under our jurisdiction to do that'. Doink!
I have spotted many direct translated English words in Bahasa Malaysia. The problem is some are available in Bahasa Malaysia. Now, why do they need to use translated words from English??? Is English sounding better or too good not to use?
E.g. 'gate' means 'pagar' BUT, a direct translated word and sounding similar too to English, 'get' is used at a KTM railway gate in my hometown. Pure silly. There are many, you know.
There you go, talking about protecting Bahasa Malaysia, huh!
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