On April 26, I highlighted the water cleanliness at my housing area. The PBA (Penang water authority) men responded, came over and "trying" to fix the problem. Oh yeah, it was fixed in a way! You can read the rest of the story in my blog.
Today May 11, is about time to review the situation, exactly 2 weeks after. Now, if I refrain to be petty, it should be seen as acceptable. It is not "so bad" as a normal Malaysian would say. After all, who would give a damn to rakyat like me if not because we now have a new state government or coalition that emphasizes 'Ketuanan Rakyat'.
However, if I would stand up for my rights as a consumer who is paying for a service or product, then the water cleanliness in my area is still NOT ACCEPTABLE. Take a look at the pictures attached - it says everything.
The logic is that you just don't pay for something that is 'not in good condition' in a supermarket and be happy with it. It is just like your employer don't pay you well if you don't deliver a good job. But, in our case whatever the bill states, we have to pay in full, nothing short is acceptable. To add salt to a wound, the extra money spent on installing the water filter inside and outside of the house and changing the filters so constantly! I just wonder, how we could just drink water from the tap in those days and yet not feeling worried and not seeing filters everywhere, in every housing area. Everyone knows, dirty water is the main source to problematic health.
Hello, it's poor maintenance that leads to deteriorating of any first-class infrastructure. It is as simple as that! To the PBA, go out and do your work and make sure you do it bloody well and do it all year long. No shortcut and certainly not doing it once a year or act on complaint or worse still never done it at all.
To YB Chong Eng, that is what I have to say - my feedback after observing my filter for 1st and 2nd consecutive week. (I appreciate your concern anyway).
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