This picture shows somewhere near Permatang Tinggi in BM, before the railway gate, depending on which direction you come from, there is a roadblock at 2.00pm on sunny Sunday. Occasionally they setup roadblocks there. But the question that begs to be asked is, WHAT ARE THEY LOOKING FOR??? Gunmen? Militants? Terrorists? Robbers? No, no? Riding without licenses? Forget to bring along your IDs? Haaah...the last two are more apt I should say! Imagine under the broad daylight, no robbers are going to romp the street that smacked somewhere along the railway gate, nearby scattered low-to-middle-class housing estates and so do the gunmen.
My experience when this picture was taken was this; those policemen just looked at your windscreen, for the expired road tax sticker (very normal la brother) or stop the motorcycles to check IDs. There were 5 to 6 personnel at the scene. You ask this question - IS THIS WHAT THEY DO BEST? I believe it is more appropriate for them to patrol the streets, housing areas which I hardly see (unless I'm lucky I guess). Unnecessary roadblocks only contribute to inconvenience to the public e.g. roads jammed up. They should know better of how to keep us safe, isn't it?
I just wonder; would I be issued a ticket (saman) if I asked them a reason for manning a road block under a fine and peaceful circumstance?
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